Sunday, March 9, 2014

DC Short Films


11th Annual DC Shorts Film Festival
September 11-21, 2014
DC Shorts turns the spotlight on truly independent short films created around the globe. In 2013, we received over 1,200 entries from 51 nations. We ultimately programed 152 films into 18 unique showcases that played over 11 days to a combined audience of over 9,300 people.
  • Our main judging criteria is STORY. Do you have an interesting, original story about developed, well-written characters? If so, then you are a good fit for us.
  • We screen all genres and styles of films.
  • We screen films from :30 seconds to 20 minutes. Longer films may be considered, but are generally difficult to program. We will not consider any film over 30:00.
  • All entrants receive written feedback from the selection panel. This information has been invaluable to thousands of past entrants – and is the reason we have been a top pick ofMoviemaker Magazine year after year.
  • Films that screened at past DC Shorts Film Festivals have gone on win countless other competitions, including the Academy Awards.
  • Washington, DC has some of the most sophisticated audiences in the world. In a city with over 70 film festivals a year, DC Shorts continues to be a dominant force for film distribution in the region.
  • The DC Shorts Film Festival is the largest short film event on the East Coast of the United States.
  • DC Shorts just topped the list as Moviemaker Magazines Coolest Short Film Festival – an honor we are trilled about!


Local Films
Films created and produced within a 60-mile radius of the White House.
Food Films
Through a special partnership with Whole Foods, we seek films with strong food-related themes.
General Films
All films which do not fit into one of the above-mentioned special categories.


(as of December 1, 2013)
Outstanding First-Time Director
Winner is presented with a custom-made trophy and $250 cash award
Filmmakers’ Choice (chosen by filmmakers in attendance)
Winner is presented with a custom-made trophy and $250 cash award
Festival Director’s Choice (chosen by the Festival Director)
Winner is presented with a custom-made trophy and $250 cash award
Outstanding Local Film, presented by KVM Rentals
Winner is presented with a $1000 equipment rental package
Outstanding Use of Food, presented by Whole Foods Market.
Winner is presented with a Whole Foods gift card of $500. Film must be a US-based production.
Audience Favorite Awards
Selected for each screening. Award consists of a framed certificate with no cash award.


DC Shorts does not extend registration deadlines.
Want to save money on the entry fees? Complete the form early to pay the lower fee — then send the materials as late as the material deadline (May 9, 2014).
DC ShortsEntry
Entry Form
Lowest entry fee. High-definition online screeners via and No DVDs.DVD entries and online screeners
Early Bird Deadline
January 31, 2014
Regular Deadline
March 31, 2014
Late Deadline
April 20, 2014
Extended Deadline
April 30, 2014
Enter WithEnter Now with DC ShortsenterClick for Festivals
*Why is DC Shorts not on Withoutabox? »


  1. Read about the screening process and look through the rules, please. A lot of time and care has gone into writing the rules. There is a detailed description of what happens to your film when received by our office, as well as how our screening and selection process works.
  2. Select an entry form. There are now five forms to choose from – select based on price and your submission format. Already have a private online screener? Then the DC Shorts entry form is your lest expensive option. Like the convenience of Withoutabox? Then submit through their service at a higher price. Want to explore a new and powerful system that is being embraced by other festivals? Then try comprehensive Web site.
  3. Upload your file or mail your DVD by the materials deadline — 12:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) on FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014. Materials received after this date will be discarded without notice or refund of entry fee. Mail DVDs to:
DC Shorts Film Festival
1317 F Street NW, Suite 920
Washington, DC 20004-1151
Label the outside of your package FOR FESTIVAL PREVIEW ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE.
If you are uploading a film, we recommend doing so to, creating a password to keep your entry private. In our experience, screeners have the best HD playback, and are preferred by our screening team.
Each submission requires a separate entry form and fee. Incomplete applications, failure to include payment, or submitting materials we are unable to preview will disqualify your entry without refund. For complete details and requirements, check out the Rules and Licenses page before submitting your entry.


DC Shorts champions short filmmaking. One of the reasons we have been listed as aMoviemaker Magazine favorite year after year is because of our unique scoring and feedback system. EVERY film reviewed by DC Shorts is watched by at least three screeners, whose evaluations are available for you to read after decisions are announced.
This feedback is worth every penny of our entry fee. But we understand that some filmmakers are unable to make the financial commitment—that is why we have created a new system for granting waivers.
  1. Complete the online waiver application. Be thoughtful with your answers. A panel will review the requests and grant waiver opportunities based on need, professionalism, and filmmaker track record.
  2. If your application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions to create 3 Tweets and 2 Facebook status updates (already written for you) to send out over the course of 5 days. When these are completed, a waiver code will be emailed to you.
That is our process. You help us out; we help you out.


July 1, 2014
All filmmakers will receive notice of acceptance or rejection via email, as well as a complete report with screeners’ comments. If you do not receive this email by the notification date, please contact the office.


DC Shorts is proud to be one of a small number of festivals to provide feedback to ALL entrants. We also pride ourselves on our open judging process — we explain how it works before you enter, provide feedback after decisions have been made, and allow you the opportunity to call us for additional feedback and comments. For the 2014 Festival, we expect to review more than 2,000 short films and 200 screenplays. We hope to include around 150 films in the final showcases. You do the math—the competition is very tough.
After we open your package, the DVD is removed from all packaging and placed into a blank envelope with a code number for identification. From this point on, films are only referred to by this code number. If you submit via online screener, your file is given a code number for identification.
Our screeners are local filmmakers, industry professionals, film enthusiasts, and trained members of our audience. All screeners are interviewed and screened before they are trained – and all have attended previous versions of DC Shorts as paying audience members or presenting filmmakers. We believe that if they are willing to pay to sit though your film, then their opinions are valid.
Screeners are placed into teams, which are assigned films in a random process. It is possible that your film will be watched by an industry professional, just as it is possible that a team it will be watched by of other professionals or students.
Films are watched in their entirety (rare among film festivals) and evaluated online using our proprietary software on aspects such as strength of plot, originality, technical proficiency, acting, editing, and sound design. Screeners are also asked to leave a personal comment as to how they believe the film will play to our audience.
Films viewed online are subject to the computer hardware and speaker setup of the individual screener. Some have high-end speaker systems and large screens, while others still use older PC laptops and built-in speakers.
At the end of the first round, a list of the top 250+ films is generated by analyzing raw scores, rankings, trends and comments. These films are then sent to a second team of screeners consisting of former screeners, DC Shorts Board Members, local business people and sponsors. They watch each film and make programming notes, but do not add to the previous scores.
At the end of the second round, select screeners and the festival director choose a final lineup based on scores, the time constraints of showcases (each showcase runs for approximately 90 minutes, with an average of 8-10 short films featured in each showcase), and how films will play in a show with each other. We also try to include 10% of our films from filmmakers creating content around the greater Washington, DC region.
DC Shorts—and every major film festival—program the best films available to them that offer a fresh viewpoint or a unique story or character, meet programming time constraints, interest our audience, play well with the other films programmed, and are created by filmmakers we believe in.


  1. Listen to a great podcast by The Scoop.
  2. Watch over 300 films from past DC Shorts events to see the types of films we have programmed.
  3. Explore the websites from past DC Shorts Film Festivals to read old catalogs, scan the films, and check out the many activities.
  4. Check out these unedited quotes from filmmakers who both screened at DC Shorts — and some who did not make the cut.
  5. Want to read the experience of a previous screener? This account in the Washington City Paper is not overly flattering, but we stand behind our process. We are proud to educate filmmakers of our system — No secrecy, no bullshit.
  6. We recommend Festival Founder, Jon Gann’s book, BEHIND THE SCREENS: Programmers Reveal How Film Festivals Really Work available online at


The time limit of 20:00 is not an exact cut-off point — but a highly recommended TRT. The way we program — showing as many different types of film in 90-minute blocks — make it difficult to show many longer films. In addition, when we receive multiple films of the same theme/subject matter, we often tend to program the stronger storytelling, which is often the shorter versions. That said, we have screened exceptional films up to :30 in the past. In our experience, most 20 minute films could be re-edited to a much stronger 12 minute piece. Seriously. One quote we learned in film school was, “That’s a nice 13-minute movie. But it is a fabulous 9-minute film.” Ask yourself the same thing and really think about it.
In the past, we have screened music videos that are story-driven. As we state throughout this website, it is all about the story. No plot, no play.
As stated in our rules, the only information our screening committee receives is the film title, running time and category of entry. Works in progress are mixed in with the other films — and in all cases — are reviewed as completed projects. We suggest you enter early (to save money on the submission fee), but get us the disc or online screener by the Materials Deadline of May 9, 2014.

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