Monday, December 23, 2013

final scenes

quick synopsis

the girls stand in cages staring at the four girls walking in. they dance, stand staggardly it has the feeling of a beautiful jail. extravagant and misleading. there are some women smoking.

the MINOTAUR leads them to the cage

Look at the new bitches says an older girl with a shaved head.

promise you will leave some left for me? says another girl, with beach blonde hair curled and pinned up

they kiss at the girls as they walk past.
they have convo with lady in jail cut short by the guards all of whom are magical.
they put a spell so that the girls can't speak at night. their magic does not affect arajamaen.

the girls are in the holding cell

lights out! says the bird androgynous being

the bird blows into a flame after saying an incanation and a blue smoke wisks through the cells and into the throats of all the girls disabling their vocal cords. everyone except arajamaen, but arajamaen has her back turned and doesn't notice the smoke the other girls are distressed but the bald girl and the girl in the cell notice and give eachother a look.
they get woken up in the morning but it is always dark in the azucardium, there is a space like shell which covers the entire area. so you dont know what time it is. sugar is the only food. all of the womens teeth are rotting out. the girls tell her the sugar is bad. it is not regular sugar. it is pink and has a drug effect. she eats it and throws up or pours it out so they do not see,

arajamaen hides away in the azucardium harem

enters harem meets girls

I have created these scenes because I want to explain the symbolisim which resides in the harem for the position of women in society. especially women of color. we are the dolls for white men, pretty things that are never meant to be princesses or daughter's of god of both which arajamaen is.

there is always jealousy among the women, always a tint of hate between them, although they need eachother to survive. arajamaen enters the harem already a favorite of the master, and when she realzies her powers and admits she is a princess she is hated and scorned and they try to sabotage her.

how scenes in harem go

arajamaen gets taken from the Boardwalk Empire where the girls must perform for a slew of masters who bid for their favorite. she is picked by bobanus, who had been contacted by the devil's advocate, nephew prince of mischief, to pick her and bring her and start the whole thing. Lima does not talk until they all sing.

arajamaen meets lima bean in the wagon, along with the two other younger girls who become friends with them as well. they enter into this new world, where a half beast meets them in the middle of the road.

they get rechained, get a glimpse of the castle and the lights are bright. they walk a long time and finally get to the azucardium . it has a big iron-rod gate with the name AZUCARDIUM on it. there is a devil, a girl, and a child in the sign, there are gargolyes looking down on them, similar to that of the half monster. their eyes shift as the girls and moster enter.

the harem is outside between the plantations, surrounded by them. it is a huge, tall, tenenment looking mansion from the outside. there are two parts, the machine-which is the refinery, then the harem where the women go afterwards, and everyday there is another women which is chosen. they sleep in cages, and only get to take bathes when it is the day for the reaping. its an orphanage of sorts.



watering hole


they steal us from our beds
sleeping soft, sleeping soft
Nestled inside the Black Glass Mountains
sleeping soft sleeping blindly

He followed us, took us
ravished our being
threw us to the wolves
for the eating
because everyone knows, blood sugar's
the sweetest

those that do not know history
are doomed to repeat it. spotlights on women
they sing, four girls, one ten, one seven, one fifteen, one eleven
one is disfigured, lima bean
one is honey sweet, Yuki
one is despondent,
one is suicidal, masterbates and cries

Just a teaspoon of sugar
helps the medicene go down
in the most delightful way.

yuki's father sold her

it was grey outside, in cape verde everything was grey after they came
we knew about the trade, though my father liked to admit he knew nothing
my mother tried to talk him into fleeing, to an island, Madagascar
our friends stopped visiting, our family dispersing
soon the cattle withered and dried up and we head for the Black Atlas Mountains
where the water held magic powers and the rocks so jagged they
saved you from intruders. by the tenth day we were so famished
we collected our sweat for refreshment
we would have perished if it hadn't been for those strangers,
beaded headdress, matted cloth
painted fingers feeding us roasted chicken with their hands, cherried wine from their skins
in the morning I woke up chained, my parents gone.
"he sold you for some food" is all they told me.


My brother was my child, my sister was my angel
little twins like cherubs, shooting darts into my spine
where the nerve endings always sparked with exuberant love, only for them.
my mother was sick, always, i fed them from her breasts, holding
them up, waiting until they lulled, softly and put them in the fur.
which kept them warmer than my embrace could.
I heard in the forest, discomfort of the wind, I had a feeling something would happen
I knew in my soul, my happiness would not last.
the lions came in the morning, when the birds sang
they shot my darlings, I killed two of them in a blind fury,
darkness swept me up, I woke up to maggots eating at my wounds
"vamos al Azucariam, mijita"
You will never see your heart again.

Liza fell in love

In the summer, the fields buzzed with life, long grasses that extended to the skies
hid me and my Jukar from the eyes of my village.
he was my lover since childhood, when love was holding hands and giving gifts
when you didn't have to or have anything to give, really.
I lost my virginity before I bled. I matured rather quickly and so did he.
We spent every night in that field, tracing each others palms with dewy fingertips
chewing mangos and sucking on the agave plant, obsessed with sweetness.
One night on the horizon, beside the daffodils and twinkling light
a group of men with a thousand machetes hacked our fields down.
Jukar threw himself to protect me, still nude from our encounter.
they sliced his throat, the warm blood bathing me.
I fell back, him on top of me, he looked suprised and worried.
I did not breathe, and had all the breath at the same time
I was not aware of my surroundings for a year or so, or
how ever long its been. Have not been alive, since now when I
started to sing about him.

int. dark room castle west wing Azucardium 1789

DELACROIX, 37. is the master of all of the western half of Hispanola. he is a handsome white spaniard with french roots. He is wearing a loose fitted white canvas shirt and tight black velvet pants. He has long dark hair with ringlets which fall gently on his shoulders. he is lying on a grecian couch, staring at himself in an oversized mirror. the fire is burning and there is a portrait of him hanging above the fire place .there are naked women chained to the wall, they are heavily drugged and do not move. He is injecting himself with some pink granulated sugar which is all around his room in large mounds. He begins to put his hand in his pants when a tall slender, suave black man with long dreads and a suit and tie comes in smoking a cigar and smiling.


you have not answered my call in a while, de la.



I have not had the need to, mon chere.


you have always had the worst taste in humor, but it suits your aptitute for ill taste,
you are still sucking the juice out are you? have not had enough?


it has been centuries, mon chere. what is the occassion for your unwanted visit? cannot you see I have better things to occupy my endless time of which you are spending relentless amounts with your insipid lackluster energy?

DELACROIX gets up and walks to the window where there is an opening where he walks onto the balcony and hears the distant screams and machinery grinding and seems happy.


if i had a choice, you would be chopped up and served as my third course. seeing to how you have managed to manipulate the manipulator , you are not skewered yet. Me and Bobanus are working on that.

DELACROIX laughs empty and short

Not as good as the children, mon chere, never as good as them.


you still owe me your life, de la.


I already gave you my soul. Isn't the soul life's essence? what more could I give?


what you owe me de la.  i will not ask twice.


well I didn't hear you the first time, and lesser still. If you want my life, you will have to overpower me, if you can that is. and forget about Bobanus. He is a veneral disease that needs to be cured and I have recently developed the cure. If only he were syphillis, then we would all be happy, huh? mon chere.


you will regret your words with me, de la. I will make you eat them, along with your shit, and I will laugh as you throw them back up and I make you eat them again. for eternity.

DEVIL disappears and DELACROIX screams and runs around, kicking the girls on his ground and throwing himself in the mounds of pink sugar until he slows his breathing.

next scene

ext zombie forest cabin 1789


you are a tricky one to find these day, Bobanus.


you must have not been looking, I have been right here, where you and your...master...have left me to rot.


No need to get all sour, old chap. I was only stating that, your potions, they are quite potent. getting stronger if you will, less facile to chase you down.


If you have found me, then I have failed.

POM laughs

Look. There is something He, needs from you. again. My faithful servant.


I am no longer his servant. I serve no one but God.



more calmly

now, before we get all excited, let us talk buisness. I know what you want more than anything Bobanus. You desire, your freedom. I can grant you that, if you wish.


words are just words, mischief.

the prince flings bobanus onto a tree and into the air, arms and legs spread as far as possible, creating a human star.


Now, I can rip you, apart. or You can be patient and listen to what I have to say.

Bobanus withers in pain but says nothing.


dela, we are feeling the need to dispose of him. his powers are, unlike yours, are getting too powerful, its takes to much energy to visit him, to much less kill him. Needless to say, we do not like the idea of starting a war, at this particular moment. His 100 year reign is coming to an end and we need his Life.

POM cont..

there is also someone else. someone especially important. and it needs your care. she is a slave in the azucardiam harem. the princess of El Kahina, daughter of King Naquid and Queen..Syriaq.



the Queen Syriaq of the Black Atlas Mountians?


who else, bobanus.


but she is a direct decendent of God herself, how could you? you could not touch her.


we already have. Arajamaen El Kahina is cursed. we will forece feed her soul to the Almighty piece by piece.  You will capture her. together you and Rajamaen will defeat dela and after you will deliever her to us. only then will you have your freedom.

end scene

Arajamaen wakes up to an all black cold atrium,

Arajamaen laid by the fountain after the speech had ended. she saw herself in the reflection and her mother appeared.

she looked happy, at first but soon her mother's face took a twisted shape and looked fearful and decayed.

arajamaen screamed and fell back.

Lima Bean came up to her, barely able to reach her due to the chains.

"did you see someone?"

Arajamaen could barely speak.

"my mother" was almost inaudible.

" i see my little brother sometimes, he looks so peaceful. sometime i'll be here as long as I can staring into the depths. sometimes cyclops has to come and drag me into the refinery."

arajamaen has fear and tears in her eyes, "how is it possible?"

YUKI comes up

"It is an enchanted spring, arajamaen. It is comprised of dark magic. It is evil. I wouldn't stare long into it if I were you. You do not know who is looking back." scene

the girls are all jam packed into a group. They are throwing shoots into several oversized grinders which are red and molten due to the extreme heat. There are Cyclops standing with machetes. Some girls fall in, some girls get hurt and have to have an arm cut off with the machete, get patched up and go back to work again. Arajamaen looks terrifed and her fingers begin to bleed.

"I cannot do this anymore, I cannot continue to suffer in this way! I am the princess!"

Lima Bean scoffs



you are lucky you are not out there in the Wilderness planting and reaping, that is far worse. That is no man's land out there. Here, you might get into a fight, might lose an arm, but in the end, you are saved once you become a woman and they take you to Eden. Out there, are the Zombies, They eat eachother out there, they rape whoever they can catch. We get sent out to the Wilderness if we are disobiedent. Those girls never come back.


Do not talk like that! someone might hear you.


Better she knows now before she gets sent out there.

Lima Bean

Yeah princess. Keep pulling that royal shit and you better hope you pass out and die before they get to you.


You could always get flogged instead.


Yeah, and die in withering pain from the rosebush whip? not happening honey. It turns girls into mush.


I would rather take the 80 lashes before I would go into the wilderness.


but how are we going to overthrow him Touissant? It is damn near impossible! His emporium is god damn near half of this island! surrounded by a river with crocodiles, beasts, and heads of our men. His sugar wilderness is 100 acres thick full of slave zombies, hacking away. God damn heathen is in the middle of it all in the Azucardiam with all of those devil sluts protecting him. the best we could hope for is death.

other soilder, main man for tousissant

is murder what you are afraid of soilder? death? what is death when your life is this? life without meaning or purpose. hiding, murdering, burning sugar in hopes that we can live life like our ancestors again. this is the purpose now. think of your mother, father, and brother and sister. your children are all dead! Death. what does that mean anymore? would you rather be flogged by the rosebush whip until they break your back? would you rather be castrated and sing for them? would you want your soul forever ripped apart from your body? whispers: turned into a zombie? Be addicted to sugar?

other wayward soilder

it is your funeral.


it is our funeral, with or without your help.

Int AZUCARDIAM Harem 1789

all of the girls are just finishing work and are washing themselves in the water, creating a sooty black lagoon. they are exhausted and can barely wash the blood of their backs without a slight sound of pain. they are all deathly quiet and watched vigoursly by the minotaurs which watch them in the corners. then suddenly breaking the silence is a heart wrenching scream and in the middle of the atrium is a pregnant young girl, no older than 12  running with blood on her body and no chains.

the MINOTAURS instantly run to capture her and once they do they bring out the rosebush whip and begin hitting her.


they will kill her! that is Manayrah! oh my, what is wrong with she pregnant?


we must do something!


there is nothing we can do! her fate has been decided, if we help they will punish us!


and if we do not help it will be much of the same.

ARAJAMAEN begins then gets so angry her hair begins to rise up and all the girls stand back as she begins to glow. she faints and there is a humming like electricity coming from her body. By this time the MINOTAURS have stopped beating the young pregnant girl and are watching the pulsating body of ARAJAMAEN. ARAJAMAEN chains fall off of her and she gets up with white eyes and her body has become all scales and sharp talons are where her fingers are.


do not touch her!

in a voice from hell.

all of the girls run into the corner besides Lima Bean which stands beside ARAJAMAEN questioningly. the MINOTAURS get out a large sugar crystaled whip with hair and blood all over it and start to wind it up, the monster that ARAJAMAEN turned into braces herself as everything seems to get dark...

in ancient dialect

do not hurt the girl, servant.

the MINOTAURS back off

are you the one they call princess arajamaen?

ARAJAMAEN stands tall and raises her head

yes, I am princess arajamaen. ruler of el-kahina. daughter of king naquid and queen syriaq of the black glass mountians.

all of the girls are hiding or standing still but all are watching. the girl of the ground is naked and is still lying on the ground but her head is turned and she is in the fetal position holding her child in her stomach.


you must be very brave to defy the minotaur, arajamaen. brave but stupid. your royalty is not regarded here. you know not yet your powers.

BOBO whispers an incantation and arajamaen turns falls and convulses until she turns back into a small girl and she is lying in her own vomit.

BOBO turns to girls, seeming to just now remember there exsistance. he wipes his brow and composes himself.

You are a slave and your sole purpose is to serve our Lord, is it not Girls?

automatically the girls respond, blank and empty

It is our purpose to serve the Lord until we enter Eden.

BOBO flicks his hand and arajamaen's body scrapes the ground until it reaches him, he picks her up and throws him over his back, naked and all.


perfect children. now finish getting ready for bed, the fun is over. 

BOBO says something in an acient dialect and the Minotaur wakes up and goes back into the corner, unaware of what has transpired.

ext island of hispanola 1789

pirates and whores walk the streets as the main particioners, they are creating laws and drinking tea which is only sugar. Touissant walks up and tries to start a meaningful conversation but is turned away as they want to lynch him and make candied african.


people of this town, sugar fiends, listen to my words.

touissant walks around to all the pirates and whores which eat sugar all around the empty cobbled roads near the port.

the men had their bottles filled with it, pouring out, their huge hard bellies sticking through their canvas shirts which were stained and appeared to be moldy, despite their luxurious make and elaborate style. there were women who were painted white, with sugar makeup and sugar crystals for earrings and jewelry, smoking cigarettes which were long and sharp, blowing out pink air. they seemed to not notice touissant or his army which waited in full arms behind him.


It is time for us to get out of our stupor! to fight, to take down this oppressive dictatorship which is ruining our beautiful country!

Judge Pirate

totally disregarding touissant

I say we up the percentage we was asking that old vermin up in the azucardium for 4 tons a week instead of 2 tons, 2 tons just aint enough anymore! we need to build more sugar streets, more sugar buildings, more sugar lamposts for the devil sake!

whore on his left

right aye, and me thinks that i need for me jewlery, more for my wigs, it helps perserves them it does!

whore on right

I need sugar for my fix, goddamn sugar's an angel

other pirate judge

aye, i love sugar more than I love me rum, I would kill a thousand natives and spaniards for that sugar. I'd hang the lot of this island if it were only for an ounce.

touissant, apparently aggrieved does not give up.


do you hear yourselves? you have gone mad! do you remember what it was like before? your homeland! do not let sugar fool you, it isn't even sugar anymore, it has turned into something evil, it is cursed and will curse any and all of its consumers! look at you! some of you used to look like me. your skin is almost transparent, you are all the walking dead! have you forgotten me? a fellow slave, like many of you who has gained their freedom! do you remember what they did? how they treated us? should I show you the scars and you show me yours?

touissant races to a pirate and shows him his scars and tries to lift up his shirt to see his and everything goes deathly quiet.


oh, you should not have touched him boy.

an extremely large man who once was black but now is transparent almost carries a sugar noose in his hand.

whore 1

i think its time we shut this nigger up and make us some candied african

whore 2

ooh, that is my favorite.

touissants homeboy comes and has a lighting rod against judge pirate's head.

you even touch him ill kill you. we see you will not listen, we do not need you. come, touissant, we are leaving.

touissant shows no fear and hesistates to back down but seeing the unblinking face of the transparent man he backs away and follows his army and gets on horseback.

you will regret your transgressions when the azucardium is brought down to its knees, there will be no where left to run except to your damned sugar.

they exit and the townsfolk get back to debating how much more sugar they need.


int drawing room napoleon's habitat 1789

napoloen sits in a large room filled with french, spanish, and the dutch to debate what to do with hispanola.

it is dark and everyone looks super creepy.


hispanola now has two dieseases. one is that of tha azucardium which has now taken all of the western half of my land and the eastern half of the king of spain's. second is that of a man who is called L'Ouverature, a freed slave- however impossible that sounds- and he has raised a modest but strong army which is raising awareness and spreading words of a revolt.

napoleon stands up and walks around, small and a big hat

I cannot have that! can you?

they all simply shake their heads, seemingly bored with the conversation

precisley, hispanola is a little treasure to me, it took decades to kill off all the natives and enslave those africans, hundreds of years! it is an investment! but something has changed, I can feel it! The azucardium is becoming its own entity, selling without any of our permission, without giving any of us any! and to think l'overature just wants to stop sugar production in its entirety is simply perpostereous!

I can not stand to think of it.

a small black child comes in emmactley dressed with a silver platter with pink lines of sugar and a silver straw


napoleon, same size as the child takes the hit and pats the child on his head

see we need more animals like this one, who listen and do what their told.

now bring me my dinner. he orders

the child comes back with a group of men who bring one woman and one man, both black.

How does roasted carmel african sound?




so bobo and dela need to have a background which will elaborate more on the plot.

we have established who arajamaen is, who bobo and dela are, who touissant is and how touissant and dela are related


furthering the plot with arajamaen, getting from harem to azucardium to zombie forest to meeting touissant

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